About 54% of consumed energy comes from oil, 22%
from electricity, and 15% from renewable energy, mainly in the form of biomass.
Transport and industry are the most important energy-consuming sectors,
accounting for a 62% share in total final energy consumption in 2009. Energy
consumption by the road-transport sector increased strongly in the 1990s due to
the steady growth of traffic. This, however, changed in the 2000s as the total
number of vehicles and distance travelled per vehicle stagnated. Energy used
for transportation purposes has then remained relatively stable since 2005.
All of Portugal ’s
natural gas is imported, mainly from Algeria
(via a pipeline that transits through Spain ). In addition, some liquefied
natural gas (LNG) is shipped from Nigeria . The electricity sector is
the largest consumer of natural gas, accounting for 43% of total consumption in
2008. Industry consumed 32% of the total volume in the same year, while the
commercial and residential sectors consumed 11%. Over the last decade, Portugal has
made significant efforts to deregulate its electricity sector. Both
distribution and generation markets have witnessed important changes
This structural situation naturally leads to a
high level of energy dependence, which is a feature also shown by other EU15
economies. Nevertheless, such high energy dependence does not pose immediate
concerns about energy security as there is evidence on the diversification of
foreign energy suppliers. In what concerns energy consumption patterns, the
general picture is not much different from that observed in other European
countries, with industry and transport representing the bulk of total energy
consumption. The largest difference regarding the energy consumption bundles of
the residential and industry sectors is the still small role played by gas.
Energy intensity in Portugal
has recorded an ascending trend until the nineties, followed by a period of
relative stabilization and then a decline in the latest years of the sample.
Over the same period, the energy intensity in the EU15 showed a steady and
significant declining trend. The comparison with other countries reveals that Portugal
records a relatively high energy intensity, which is broad based in terms of
sectors. Such underlying structural conditions, together with international
high and volatile energy prices, will continue to stand as determinants of the
potential growth of the Portuguese economy in the future.
In April 2010, Portugal approved a new plan for
the energy sector. The National Energy Strategy (Estratégia Nacional para a
Energia, or ENE 2020) updated the 2005 plan and established an agenda intended
to increase competition, promote economic growth, and reduce Portugal ’s
dependency on foreign supplies of energy. In particular, it envisages the
decentralisation of energy production, the promotion of competition, the
consolidation of MIBEL, the creation of an Iberian Common Natural-Gas Market
(MIBGAS), the regulation of the national oil system, and the upgrading of the
energy-storage infrastructure. As part of ENE 2020, a number of targets
were established for the Portuguese energy sector, which are to be achieved by
2020. They include reducing the country’s dependency on foreign energy
supplies, increasing the share of final energy produced from renewable sources,
developing the industrial cluster related to energy efficiency and
consolidating that for renewable energy to boost economic development and
foster job creation, and achieving Portugal ’s GHG emission-reduction
targets, in line with its EU commitments.
Gabriel Stoica
[artigo de opinião produzido no âmbito da unidade curricular “Economia Portuguesa e Europeia” do 3º ano do curso de Economia (1º ciclo) da EEG/UMinho]
[artigo de opinião produzido no âmbito da unidade curricular “Economia Portuguesa e Europeia” do 3º ano do curso de Economia (1º ciclo) da EEG/UMinho]
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